Friday, February 12, 2010

Add Google Buzz This Button to Blogger, Wordpress and Websites

Buzz this
It has been now three days since Google launched Google Buzz service. Besides Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Stumble Upon etc… now internet users have got another site to share posts with each other. So far Google hasn’t officially started providing any sort of scripts for adding up the Google Buzz this button for sites. This blogpost basically explain you how to add a "Buzz this" button to every post on your blogger blog.  But, you can add this script to any other website if you know basics of HTML and CSS style sheets.

Go to layout then Edit HTML from dashboard in blogger account.

Click on Expand widget templates at right top side of an editor.

Locate there data:post.title/>

Now, copy and paste code that you have downloaded, after  data:post.title/> and then click on preview to check if everything works fine. If no, then check for uncompleted tags else click on Save template.

Now, your readers can share posts in Google Buzz without moving from your post. 

Do share this post with you friends and also follow our facebook page, Click here.